How to install UNR on existing Ubuntu

NoOp glgxg at
Sat Jan 23 17:48:50 UTC 2010

On 01/22/2010 04:02 PM, Gabriel S. Coonce wrote:
> Hey all. I've been looking at UNR, and I've been wondering how I can  
> install it out without dual-booting and installing the whole thing  
> another partition. I'm on Ubuntu 9.10 32-Bit.

System|Administration|Synaptic...|Edit|Mark Packages by Task|Ubuntu
Netbook Remix live environment.

or from the cli/terminal:

$ sudo tasksel install ubuntu-netbook-remix

And I see that you'd mentioned in another post that you'd already
installed but do not see it in the gdm sessions. Can't help you with
that as I've never tried it. However, you might try reinstalling using
the above & see if that makes any difference.

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