the menu has disapeard

Gabriel S. Coonce Gabriel.Coonce at
Sat Jan 23 01:39:19 UTC 2010

This has happened to me before. Install and run xine movie player. It  
fixes it for some reason.

On Jan 22, 2010, at 7:36 PM, "Tab Gilbert" <tabbox at> wrote:

> the menu at the top of my srean has disopeard that list places system
> and all that. I'm running ubuntu 9.10
> You know folks, not to put to fine of a point on the matter but I  
> gave the suggestion that was once given to me from this list.  Based  
> on the composition of the request/question I figured he wanted a top  
> panel back and wanted it back right away.  You get the top panel  
> back, maybe it is not how you had it but it is back, and things  
> immediately seem to be getting a little better.  Maybe you add some  
> stuff you never had before.  Explore around a little bit.  A simple  
> question deserves a simple answer.
> tab
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