Beginner Q1: Linux incapable of handling FDD? CONCLUDED

Amedee Van Gasse amedee-ubuntu at
Mon Jan 18 22:38:42 UTC 2010

On 18-01-10 17:55, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:
> Karl F. Larsen さんは書きました:
>> Again you were asked 3 times about your computer and now we know IT is
>> the problem! Either try Ubuntu on your good new computer, or stop
>> complaining to this list.
>> 73 Karl
> I still seem to bother people.

Don't worry if you bother Karl. He is the local troll. Ignore him.

> The PC I currently use for Linux is listed as well compatible: hp
> notebook nx9005, 768MB RAM, 40 GB HDD, Athlon CPU 2.2 GHz (or something
> like that).
> Unfortunately I am not wealthy enough to buy me something brand-new (=
> much more expensive) for experiments.

Doesn't sounds very excotic. The most common problem that I can find on 
the web, is difficulties with setting up wireless, but that doesn't 
surprise me. All other hardware in that laptop should be supported out 
of the box.


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