network hardware problem

Wade Smart wadesmart at
Tue Jan 12 14:16:31 UTC 2010

My dad called day before yesterday and said he couldn't get online.
When he puts his cursor over the network icon (9.04) it says no network 
connection. Right clicking on network icon choosing Connection 
Information it says Auto eth0 --- never.

sudo /etc/init.d networking restart
sudo ifup eth0
sudo dhclient eth0

Tried switching out the cable but that didn't help.

Got on the phone with support (manufacturer support) and after walking 
through the usual tests they want to do, they concluded (partically) 
that its not the hardware because we can ping the loopback address.

Is there anything else I can do to check the hardware? Something that I 
can do to get something on the screen so I can email it to support?
(Note: the computer is about 400 miles from me so Im not have hands on.)

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