Evolution calendars do not print with Karmic

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jan 12 01:22:47 UTC 2010

On 01/11/2010 04:39 PM, Robert Hodgins wrote:
>> Just got a new HP G60-530US 64bit laptop - still playing with the
>> default Win7HomePremium before I repartition & install Ubuntu. If I get
>> a chance, I'll try both wubi & Virtualbox on it & see if I can reproduce.
> I'd be interested in how you made out with the repartitioning. One of
> the things that got me interested in wubi was that the 3060 had an odd
> partitioning setup. What the Windows disk management service showed was
> rather different that what gparted showed me.

I just went ahead and used the liveCD (9.10) to install. During that
install, I used the installer to shrink Win7 partition to 150Gb (I plan
to shrink it down to 50gb later, but kept it large so I could play with
the built in video etc). Gparted is showing the ntfs properly as 150Gb
(and of course the added Win7 default 200Mb (199.00Mib system partition
& the 11.91Gb recovery partition). Ubuntu is showing properly as 135.91Gib.

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