how do I print from wine to pdf

NoOp glgxg at
Tue Jan 12 01:05:05 UTC 2010

On 01/11/2010 04:04 PM, Paul S wrote:
> I get a MacOS MsWord 2008 doc file occasionally and have been using the 
> MSwordview program in wine to view it.  It works fine to view it.  OOO 
> fails miserably to preserve the formatting.
> I need to convert this to pdf and then I save the pdf's.
> I'm trying to find a way to capture the print output from the wine run 
> MSwordview and convert it with ghostscript.  I have not found a way to 
> do it yet.  Anyone have an idea?
> So, I have been switching over to M$ partition and using cute-pdf with 
> the MSwordview to print to a pdf file.
> tia,

Print to file & select pdf. Or, you can install cups-pdf & that will
show as a printer in your printer selections.

I am however curious which version of OOo you are using that is failing
to preserve the formatting. If you'd like to send me a sample doc
directly I can test in 3.1.1 (Ubuntu and OOo standard), 3.2, and 3.3dev.

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