Hard Drive Organization

Tom H tomh0665 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 11 21:26:48 UTC 2010

>>> You are right about the numerous kernels. I need to count
>>> better but it is not important to me.

>> I would not call claiming to have 9 more versions of Ubuntu on an HD
>> than you actually have - claiming 14 when you have 5 - needing to
>> learn how to count...

> I don't really think the counting is that important either. I think
> that it'd be ore important to really determine if the need for all
> those installations are necessitated. Is it not possible to install
> as many kernels as you wish, all while using the same
> filesystem?

Counting is important if you cannot differentiate between different
versions of Ubuntu and the different kernels of a version of Ubuntu!

If you need older kernels than distribution provides, you can either
change your sources.list to an older version, install that kernel, and
re-change yoru sources.list - or you can copy the older kernel (and
its corresponding files in its intall's /boot and /lib/modules/) to
/boot and /lib/modules/.

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