Hard Drive Organization

Marcus Wanner marcusw at cox.net
Sun Jan 10 22:45:57 UTC 2010

On Sunday 10 January 2010 05:37:01 pm Johnneylee Rollins wrote:
> >> You are right about the numerous kernels. I need to count
> >> better but it is not important to me.
> >
> > I would not call claiming to have 9 more versions of Ubuntu on an HD
> > than you actually have - claiming 14 when you have 5 - needing to
> > learn how to count...
> I don't really think the counting is that important either. I think
> that it'd be ore important to really determine if the need for all
> those installations are necessitated. Is it not possible to install as
> many kernels as you wish, all while using the same filesystem?
> If the applications only work in a specific kernel, then having
> multiple installations of ubuntu doesn't seem the best way to go about
> that.
> Personally if I knew enough about the applications and which kernel
> they break in, I'd probably manually install them into folders
> separated by kernel.I'd also launch them manually.
> If you wanted to go overboard about the whole deal, you could write a
> script to run before launching any program that checks your kernel
> version and if it doesn't correspond with the foldername of it's
> version, then it wouldn't start. That way you could boot into one of
> your many kernels, and that kernel could only launch applications that
> work.
I think that if you have applications that only work with a certain kernel, 
you've got a pretty major problem right there...

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