File transfer problem

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Mon Jan 11 14:53:25 UTC 2010

Cassius V. de Magalhaes wrote:
> Em 10/01/2010 20:11, Karl F. Larsen escreveu:
>> 	Consider this: you have a hard drive in a small case with a
>> lot of files on an ext3 file system that is accessed via a USB
>> port. You plug the USB into a Ubuntu 9.04 computer and a panel
>> comes up showing all the files. You plug the USB into WinXP it
>> shows up in My Computer but shows no files.
>> 	So you take the files to the Ubuntu but there is no way to
>> put them in the /dev/sda5 partition. I tried sudo cp -a *
>> /dev/sda5 and it errors out.
>> 	Then I tried to mount the /dev/sda5 at /mnt but that fails
>> too. The call I tried was $ sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sda5 /mnt
>> and changed vfat to ntsf and several others and just got an
>> error message.
>> 	What I would like to do is copy the files on the little hard
>> drive to the computer which has WinXP and Ubuntu 9.04 in the
>> /dev/sda5 partition.
>> 	Does anyone have an idea how to start?
>> 73 Karl
> Hello,
> You said the WinXP and Ubuntu 9.04 are in the same partition /dev/sda5, 
> but I'm confusing, are they using the same filesystems? If so, which 
> one? If not, I think they are using the same hard drive but on different 
> partitions.
> Regards.
	If I said that it is in error. WinXP is in /dev/sda1 and 
Ubuntu 9.04 is in the /dev/sda3 partitions.

	And I can mount the ntfs file systems now with no problems.

73 Karl


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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