Would like help setting up ndiswrapper with Atheros AR5B91 (identified as "AR928X")

Markus Schönhaber ubuntu-users at list-post.mks-mail.de
Sun Jan 10 17:26:14 UTC 2010

10.01.2010 16:30, Marcus Wanner:

> However, I have one question: when I installed the packages, it pulled in a 
> package with my current kernel version number in it (2.6.31-17). When I 
> upgrade to a newer kernel, will the new backports package be installed 
> automagically, or will I need to install it?

Judging from

| $ LANG=C aptitude show linux-backports-modules-wireless-karmic-generic
| [...]
| Depends: linux-backports-modules-2.6.31-17-generic
| Description: Backported wireless drivers for generic kernel image
|  This empty package allows people to keep their backported wireless
|  modules up-to-date when upgrading their Linux kernel.

I don't think you'll have to worry about kernel upgrades. This package
will, as I understand it, be upgraded too and depend on the appropriate
linux-backports-modules-<whatever> package.

> Again, thank you very much, you saved me lots of frustration (plus having to 
> admit that Linux truly didn't work with my hardware).

You're welcome.


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