Extra Page Being Printed

Kenneth Jacker khj at be.cs.appstate.edu
Sun Jan 10 16:50:04 UTC 2010

[ Ubuntu 9.10;  cups-common_1.3.9-17ubuntu3.4 ]

For some reason, all my print jobs (to an HP LaserJet P2055) are
proceeded with a page containing only the text "JOB" being printed in
the upper left corner.

I've checked the options (in particular "Starting/Ending Banner") using
both the CUPS web interface and the "Printing" panel (under
System/Administration) as well as looked through the menus on the
printer itself.  Finally, I've done the mandatory "Internet search".

Does anyone know how to get rid of this undesirable behavior?

Prof Kenneth H Jacker       khj at cs.appstate.edu
Computer Science Dept       www.cs.appstate.edu/~khj
Appalachian State Univ
Boone, NC  28608  USA        

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