Hard Drive Organization

Chris racerx at makeworld.com
Sat Jan 9 22:49:12 UTC 2010

On Sat, 09 Jan 2010 14:21:23 -0700
"Karl F. Larsen" <klarsen1 at gmail.com> wrote:

>          I have 14 versions of Ubuntu and Fedora on my 160 GB 
> Hard Drive. Each of the versions use the same Home directory 
> which is in it's own partition on the Hard Drive.
>          In April when the next version of Ubuntu comes along 
> I will put it into a new 5GB partition. Then, using /etc/fdisk 
> I will mount the big Home partition onto this version as well. 
> The Home partition is 25GB.
>          If this is something you would like to do, then I am 
> willing to write a blurb on how this is done in detail if 
> anyone would like it. If no interest I won't bother since I 
> know already.
> 73 Karl

I would like a list of the 14 versions of Ubu that's installed.

Best regards,


"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the
government fears the people, there is liberty."

           -- Thomas Jefferson

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