Everybody SAMBA!

Emil Payne EHSPayne at angelwoodpines.org
Sat Jan 9 17:48:54 UTC 2010

Bob St. John wrote:

> I previously stopped and restarted Samba several times, and the problem
> remained.
> I ended up reinstalling all the Samba components, editing smb.conf as
> necessary for my environment, and now all three boxes can "see" each
> other again.
> I'm not sure what the cause of the original problem was, but all is
> working fine now.
> Bob St. John
Being the OP, I've started and stopped the entire linux box several
times.  Reinstalled and reconfigured the XP box, reinstalled and
reconfigured the samba components and even reset the router to default
and reconfigured it.  The only thing I haven't done is to reinstall
ubuntu itself.

Since the linux box is unable to even find itself, I'm going to assume
that the problem lies there within.

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