Improving tech support
Cyborg Alpha
cyborg.alpha.v1 at
Thu Jan 7 01:54:07 UTC 2010
Avi Greenbury wrote:
> Cyborg Alpha wrote:
>> b. re-install your version of linux (from CD or DVD) eliminating the
>> dual boot to only run linux.
> Pardon?
> If you're having an issue with Linux step 2 should be to reinstall it?
> One of the wonderful things about Linux is how easy it is to just fix
> what's broken, without having to nuke it and start again.
I've done that - but I've found re-installing is sometimes better. With
a properly backed up system, re-installation is relatively easy.
>> c. there is more than enough linux-ware to make it run similar to
>> windows including finding a MS network (and all systems under that
>> network)
> This is not tech support, this is foisting your choice upon other
> people. Some people do need to maintain a Windows install, others like
> it for the safety net of something they can go back to.
> Also, having a second OS to boot into is useful for deciding whether an
> odd problem is hardware or software related, especially if the two OSs
> are completely different (two Linuxen or even one Linux and one BSD are
> likely to share a big chunk of code).
I'm not arguing the merits of OS, simply stating that it's possible to
configure linux in such a manner to eliminate the need for windows. As
for tech support, when trouble shooting, it's sometimes necessary to
have a comparison (independent) between two configurations. Dual boot
does not allow for this. Boot options should only be added once single
configuration are working, and it's understood that the issues are dual
(or multiple) boot issues.
>> d. if that solves the problem, then the problem exists with
>> the windows dual boot. Which may not be a linux bug, but a MS hd
>> locking technology issue.
> How often does this happen? I don't recall ever having come across a
> problem in Linux that was solved by the removal of Windows from a
> partition Linux has no particular concern for. And I'm not sure what
> you mean with 'MS hd locking technology' - I know there were stories of
> Vista doing odd things to HDDs that made dual boot more complicated,
> but I only know of problems that manifested at install time, not while
> the system was working.
I've seen it enough that I've begun tracking it.
Cyborg Alpha,
The Evolving Cyborg of the Cybernetics Institute
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