Community Council, please take action!

Alan Pope alan at
Wed Jan 6 16:01:37 UTC 2010

Hi Neil,

2010/1/6 Neil Aggarwal <neil at>:
> Instead of moderating this list, I would prefer we have
> several member nominated to police the list.  If they find
> something that is not in the spirit of the list objective, they
> should notify the user (Either on or off the list) the discussion
> needs to stop.  If the user continues to post the irrelevant
> topics to the list, that user should be suspended or unsubscribed.

Sorry if I wasn't clear, but that's what I meant by 'moderate'. I
don't expect everyone to have their "moderate" bit set in mailman. I
would expect - as you say - for a set of respected and responsible
people to step forward and help us to get the list in shape by
advising users when they step over the lines (wherever they may be).

> That seems like a solution we already have.  We just need to
> give control over the subscription info to several trusted
> parties.



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