Driver for Canon A1100is

Dedhi Sujatmiko sujatmiko.dedhi at
Tue Jan 5 03:45:56 UTC 2010

Bob Hickey wrote:
> As usual, the CD furnished with this camera only works w/ windoze. 
> Anybody know how to get it on Ubuntu 9.10 ? Canon seems to show no 
> interest but they made the only camera with a viewfinder in the store. 
> Thanx, Bob H. 

Hmm,  I never had any A series Canon. All of mine are either Ixus, G1 to 
G10, S3-S5 and S40-S90. All of them can be managed automatically after I 
install digikam. Connect the camera to USB on my computer, then there 
will be a Pop Up asking which picture to be downloaded. It is not as 
good as the Canon Zoom Browser EX who can arrange the folder based on 
the date the picture taken and doing auto rotate, but for me it is good 
Worst case the last 2 years firmware are having the option to make the 
camera looks like a USB Storage Device. If we choose this, then as if as 
we connect the CF/SD card directly to card reader.

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