Non Ubuntu question

Colin Law clanlaw at
Sun Feb 28 09:07:47 UTC 2010

On 28 February 2010 00:39, Rajiv Vyas <rajiv1 at> wrote:
> I already have Ubuntu (32 bit) and Mint (64) installed on the same
> machine. So, I have a triple boot and the reason why I posted this
> question is the problem initially started on Windows boot only (and
> still exists) on Windows and later  on Ubuntu. Should have clarified
> this before.

In that case I would suggest starting a new thread, describe exactly
the problem you are having on Ubuntu, mention that it also appears on
windows and hope for the best.  Also give it a subject that summarises
the problem.  If it is still that attempting to go to facebook goes
somewhere else then state where it goes.


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