Linux Forums unreachable.

Christopher Chan christopher.chan at
Fri Feb 26 05:27:36 UTC 2010

On Friday, February 26, 2010 12:08 PM, Tom H wrote:
>>> Just where did you get this automated firewall tool of yours?
>> It's a blooming ubuntu thing!
>> Ray, given the like-minded thoughts about firestarter, I suggest ripping
>> it out. You reset your firewall rules by following the following
>> commands after you have disabled or removed firestarter in case
>> disabling or removing does not do it for you.
>> iptables -F
>> iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
>> iptables -P OUTGOING ACCEPT
>> iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
> I installed on Lucid and it blocked my internet access completely. :)

hey, that is just the kind of tool that is needed for Windows. The 
global spam problem will probably be solved within months!

> Hopefully for the devs, they will fix this before Lucid's release.

please do not mind me if I do not hold my breath with you.

> But the bogon list was correct unlike on whatever version of Ubuntu
> Ray is running.

Hardy. What is the point of a LTS release again?

> Uninstalling firestarter reset my rules to the result of your invocation above.

Well, at least that part is working.

> Uninstalling firestarter is not necessarily the only route to take. If
> Ray wants to have a basic rule set, he can change firestarter's
> settings to "permissive" so it does not use the bogon list.

* shrugs *

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