Gparted problem

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Wed Feb 24 22:18:15 UTC 2010

Emilio Fernandes wrote, On 02/24/2010 02:51 PM:
>> >  Emilio Fernandes wrote, On 02/24/2010 11:24 AM:
>>>> >  >>            The last listing is unallocated 30 GB.
>>>> >  >>
>>>> >  >>            I want to add the

10 GB unallocated to /dev/sda12 but I have
>>>> >  >>    not found a way to do this.

  Does anyone recall the steps to
>>>> >  >>    get this done?

	I am afraid of doing that. I would need to move This Lucid 
system /dev/sda13 somewhere while I resize /dev/sda12, the 
partition running out of space.

	And I have not seen in the Help any way to Move a partition. 
Would it be possible to move sda13 somewhere temporary? And 
then move it back before rebooting?

73 Karl


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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