Using rename, and cp to rename a file.
Ray Parrish
crp at
Wed Feb 24 07:28:15 UTC 2010
James Michael Fultz wrote:
> * Ray Parrish <crp at> [2010-02-23 20:11 -0800]:
>> Hello,
>> I get the following -
>> ray at RaysComputer:~/logs/IIS$ rename /home/ray/logs/IIS/Grapg.html Graph.html
>> Bareword found where operator expected at (eval 1) line 1, near "/home/ray"
>> (Missing operator before ray?)
>> syntax error at (eval 1) line 1, near "/home/ray"
> [...]
>> ray at RaysComputer:~/logs/IIS$ c[ Grapg.html Graph.html
> rename on Ubuntu systems is a Perl utility that interprets Perl
> expressions. See the man page for details. A basic example would be as
> follows:
> $ rename s/g/h/ Grapg.html
> ^ ^
> | \- File argument
> \- Perl substitute expression
>> Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong here?
>> Thank you, Ray Parrish
> For simple file or directory renames, the mv command is suitable.
> $ mv Grapg.html Graph.html
> A shorter form using brace expansion available in Bash or Zsh:
> $ mv Grap{g,h}.html
I thank you both for answering me, and mv worked great to rename the file.
Thanks again, Ray Parrish
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