Fwd: Using Mercurial with Netbeans in Ubuntu

Christopher Lemire christopher.lemire at gmail.com
Wed Feb 24 04:15:11 UTC 2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Christopher Lemire <christopher.lemire at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 4:09 AM
Subject: Using Mercurial with Netbeans in Ubuntu

I am trying to get my source code from Netbeans 8 to this this
Mercurial repository on google code,
http://code.google.com/p/ttsreader/ . A few questions in general I
have are how to set Netbeans to use the Google Code repository. I'd
like to get the basics of doing this down first, and then I can
research into the more advanced topics of Mercurial. I have Mercurial
installed as well as the plugin for it in NB.

I'm also looking for others who use TextAloud, 2nd Speech Center, and
maybe some other TTS software I for Windows I am unawre of who hate
having to use Windows because the same good features don't exist.
Email me off list if you are interested in this.

Christopher Lemire <christopher.lemire at gmail.com>
Ubuntu 64 bit Linux Raid Level 0

Does anyone have the know how to help me get this source I have up on
Google Code? I'd like to contribute back to the Linux community as
well as the Linux Innovations blog I started with many contributors.

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