
Mihamina Rakotomandimby mihamina at
Sun Feb 21 09:46:16 UTC 2010

> Knapp <magick.crow at> :
>>> It is rude to say it indirectly also. If they could do their own
>>> research they would not be here asking for our help.
>> False. Some just ask with the hope that someone here will "work" for
>> him/her. That's bad. Using community based/driven software is first
>> about turning the brain "on".
> And how do you plan on telling if you are talking with a 89 year old
> grandmother with her brain turned on or a 25 year old computer
> programmer that is just out to ask you stupid questions you can tell
> them to RTFM?
Experience. I follow several mailing lists + forums + newsgroups for a
long times (ten years) and can see those kind of things.

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