Bad boot?

Matt Eskes meskes.mailinglists at
Sun Feb 21 09:08:43 UTC 2010

No, skipping a filesystem consistency check will not damage your system.
It'll get them the next go-round.


-----Original Message-----
From: magick.crow at
Reply-to: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions"
<ubuntu-users at>
To: Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions
<ubuntu-users at>
Subject: Bad boot?
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2010 07:52:47 +0000

my computer was booting and it started one of those once every 30 boot
HD checks. It says you can press escape so my wife did. Will this do
damage? How can I start it again? Do I need to do that? Where are the
records of what is was trying to check? Any other things I should know
about this?
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