Hopeless cause

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 19 16:15:32 UTC 2010

Amedee Van Gasse (ub) wrote, On 02/19/2010 09:01 AM:
>> >  I keep seeing people say "Oh, just CC the poster" in many different
>> >  mailing lists.  Which, as stated, negates the whole point of having a
>> >  mailing list.  CCing is not the answer and flippantly answering with the
>> >  pithy "just filter it" tripe does nothing to address it.  The point is
>> >  that filtering shouldn't enter into the equation as the CCs should not
>> >  happen because people are subscribed to be bloody list to get the very
>> >  messages in question!  If the sender doesn't expect reasonable delivery
>> >  through the list then why do they expect reasonable delivery via a CC
>> >  which uses the same freakin' mechanism! It's like people complaining
>> >  about how much it smells and telling them to not breath.  Not useful.
> Temper, temper...
> You are preaching to the choir. However, in the absense of brains with the
> CCers, I'll just filter._I_._You_  do whatever_you_  want.
> No need to get on the horse. No need to use caps. No need to use bloody
> expletives. No need to get angry. Or if you really want to be angry, aim
> it at the right persons. But please keep it off list.
> -- ubuntu-users mailing list ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com Modify
> settings or unsubscribe at:
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-users

	You can filer or delete. It matters not to me. I have 
Thunderbird 3.0.1 now and it is VERY simple to send to the 
sender. This is a good version of thunderbird.

	So anyone who wants to do this ready I can help

73 Karl


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
	#450462   http://counter.li.org.
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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