nfs, stopping hackers

Peter Van Hove peter.van.hove at
Fri Feb 19 08:41:36 UTC 2010

On 18/02/2010 12:05, Dave Howorth wrote:
> Knapp wrote:
>> I am setting up a very small home network of my desktop comp, printer
>> and a few laptops. Does this security note mean that hackers from the
>> internet can attack my lan? Or is this talking about people on the
>> lan? I trust all the lan users but obviously not all the Internet
>> users.
> The security note is talking about access from your LAN. Whether other
> people on the Internet can see your LAN depends on the settings in your
> router/firewall and any WiFi net you have set up.
> Cheers, Dave
Also note that using NFS v4 with kerberos also eleminates this security 
risk as each hosts needs to have a NFS key entry.

Kind regarsds,

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