"dpkg was interrupted" - how to fix it

Thomas Blasejewicz thomas at s7.dion.ne.jp
Tue Feb 16 02:35:40 UTC 2010

J さんは書きました:
> On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 20:54, Thomas Blasejewicz <thomas at s7.dion.ne.jp> wrote:
>> E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run
>> 'sudo dpkg -- configure -a' to correct the problem.
>> E:_cache -> open() failed, please report.
>> I DO NOT understand what is meant by that and what I am supposed to do.
>> I tried Alt+F2 and there enter 'sudo dpkg -- configure -a' (whatever
>> that means).
>> As far as I can tell nothing changes/happens. I tried to modify that
>> command by referring to a number of guidebooks.
>> Yet, so far still nothing happens AND the error remains.
>> HOW am I supposed to correct this error?
>> And what "exactly" am I supposed to enter where?
> This may be a very basic question, but... when you dropped to console
> (when you hit alt-F2) did you actually log in?
> sudo dpkg -- configure -a
> You'd pass your username and then password, and after you get logged
> in and get a prompt, you pass that command.
> Also, you can just open a terminal from within the GUI.
> I haven't had to do this, though I've seen plenty of cases where
> running dpkg --configure fixes the world's ills (not literally, but
> it's a first step to fixing dpkg issues...)
> HTH,
> Jeff
I am sorry, I am not a computer wizard. So, when I entered Alt+F2 (I 
read about that) I was NOT asked for usename or PW or anything and just 
entered that command.
Just now, I tried to use the GUI you suggested.
There is my username followed by " : ~$ " after which I entered the said 
I then get a very long list of more stuff I do not understand, starting 
with "dpkg: action requires specification of options" (or something like 
that. My system is the Japanese localized version, so I don't know 
exactly, what the phrase here would be in English)

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