No more OOo in UNR 10.04

Gilles Gravier ggravier at
Mon Feb 15 13:09:47 UTC 2010


On 15/02/2010 23:57, Thomas Dean wrote:
> What do you think of Google Docs? Are they better than OOo in certain aspects?

Google Docs doesn't use engine in the back end for 
manipulating the documents... it has its own proprietary internal format 
and engine. This means that when you take an ODF file and push it to 
Google Docs and then edit it in Google Docs, you don't get what was 
originally in your file, if you have fancy formatting... same for MS 
Office files, actually.

While neither of these formats are 100% supported, it usually works 
nicely... but there ARE cases where things just don't look like you 
meant them to. That's something to take into account if you create fancy 

Does that mean better? Or worse? Don't know. If everything you do is 
always IN Google Doc, this may not be a problem for you. If you have to 
exchange docs with people that have the actual MS Office or OOo 
applications, then it may be.


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