Launching spreadsheets

Jim Byrnes jf_byrnes at
Sun Feb 14 13:50:41 UTC 2010

Andrew Farris wrote:
> On Sat, 2010-02-13 at 22:13 -0600, Jim Byrnes wrote:
> [snip]
>> OK, that works.  Yes I am planning on using a submenu.  I had forgotten
>> about the desk drawer widget.  I'll have to try it both ways and see
>> which I like better.
> You can also try a panel app I like to use, which is specifically made
> for that purpose, called 'Topshelf.' Just search for it in synaptic, or
> run "sudo apt-get install topshelf" in a terminal, then add it to your
> panel.
>   It lets you drag-and-drop frequently used objects in there for quick
> retrieval (both files, and directories). File opening is handled the
> same way it would be if you double-clicked the file in a directory
> someplace, so no need to make custom 'launchers' for the documents...
> just drop it in there, then it's just 2 clicks away.

Thanks for the tip.  I've found that between a submenu and a drawer, I 
perfer the submenu, but the ease of use you cite for topshelf certainly 
makes it something I want to try out.

Regard,  Jim

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