help with the recovery of a head crash with a MS ntfs file system.

Amedee Van Gasse amedee-ubuntu at
Sat Feb 13 22:10:03 UTC 2010

On 13-02-10 13:34, Knapp wrote:

> And now it is happily working away. I wonder how long this 40gb drive will take?

add "time" in front of any bash command to log how long it takes

> After that I will make a duplicate backup on the remote computer and
> work on the backup to see what I can extract, likely with that
> photoextract program. ?

I think that your next issue will be to read the image.
If you want to google it, your keywords are "mount loopback filesystem".
Oh and make a duplicate copy of your image. Compress it with gzip if you 
want, but make a copy before you try any recovery. You'll thank me 

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