Lucid not stable before end of april

Knapp magick.crow at
Thu Feb 11 08:14:16 UTC 2010

>        Well I see that the developers have given stable a special
> meaning. I thought I was clear when I defined my stable as
> never crashes now. Some writers seemed to have scary words
> that some day I will get an update that will ruin my updated
> alfa version system. It isn't happening.

Just because your house is not burning down does not mean that it
can't. In this case the house has a fire bug in it.

> Why does Ubuntu put
> out the early versions?

So people can help to find the fire bugs. This is the WHOLE IDEA of
open source!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone can help write it, these are called Devs
and anyone can help find bugs, these are often called beta testers or
alpha testers. You are currently being an alpha tester by running
alpha software. The hope is that when there is a problem you will
write up a great bug report that the Devs can read, so that they can
find and fix the problem. The more devs and the more testers there are
out there with hopefully lots of differents systems results in more
bugs getting found and squashed.

If you truly want to understand read this!!!

Interestingly, all the Ubuntu break one of the golden rules. They set
a date, every six months, instead of a software goal for release.
According to the essay that should result, long term, in the
degradation of Ubuntu. I often wonder if this is why the quality does
seem to be slipping a bit. Time will tell.

>        I think it is to get the early version used. It is fun to me.

It is so you can help find the bugs and report them to the devs.

> And I will try not to sue stable, even though it is...
> 73 Karl
> --
>        Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
>        Linux User
>        #450462
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Douglas E Knapp

Open Source Sci-Fi mmoRPG Game project.

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