basic - continued

Pastor JW pastor_jw at
Thu Feb 11 06:16:04 UTC 2010

On Wednesday 10 February 2010 5:48:32 pm Robert Swanson wrote:
>         During the installation in the Amiga, the kernel was compiled from
> source, to take advantage of any hardware or later main processor upgrades.
> and the programs worked very well.  ( There was also a Unix version of the
> Amiga called the A2500).

Mine is an A3000-UX and it shipped with Unix System V release 4 version 2.0 
unlimited license on a tape install cartridge.  Machine currently  runs a 
video toaster but of course on Amiga 3.5 OS.

73 de N7PSV aka Pastor JW <n><   PDGA# 35276  _Registered Kubuntu User: #27403

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