[gnome] edit name of "Applications" menu?

=JeffH Jeff.Hodges at KingsMountain.com
Mon Feb 8 22:49:35 UTC 2010


I'm trying to figure out how to rename my applications menu from "Applications" 
to "Apps" in order to (hopefully) get the "main menubar" applet to take up less 
real estate in my panel. (thus I also will want to edit the name of the 
"System" menu to e.g. "Sys")

As far as I can determine, "applications.menu" is the requisite file, and on my 
Karmic 9.10 system it lives in...


..and has this (single) associated .directory file..


I do not have XDG_CONFIG_HOME nor XDG_CONFIG_DIRS nor XDG_DATA_DIRS set in my 
environment, thus AFAICT from "GNOME Desktop System Administration Guide", the 
applications.menu file in ~/.config as well as the .directory file in 
/usr/share/desktop-directories ought to be the requisite files to edit.

I did so, changing  <Name>Applications</Name>  to  <Name>Apps</Name>
in /home/hodges/.config/menus/applications.menu,

as well as changing  Name=Applications  to  Name=Apps
in /usr/share/desktop-directories/X-GNOME-Menu-Applications.directory.

BUT, my "Applications" menu remains named "Applications" (after logging out and 
back in), rather than "Apps". Later tonight or tomorrow I'll try a reboot, but 
I have some other stuff I have to do right now.

Any clues as to what's going on and how I can successfully make these changes 
are very welcome.



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