Lucid not stable before end of april
Karl F. Larsen
klarsen1 at
Sun Feb 7 22:38:09 UTC 2010
I need to write this because people keep coming up with
reasons why Lucid 10.04 is not yet stable. This is not true.
I loaded Lucid 64bit Alfa version as a LiveCD into it's own
partition. Just what was on the cd-rom and what I got from
about 100 updates over a week or so. At first it was good but
had faults. The updates and some actual data asking me to
apt-get install a few things has made it perfect. It is as
good as I expect to see the final Lucid after April 2010.
Those who tell me that Lucid is unstable, I suggest your
wrong. Your not using Lucid and I am. It is working fine. I
discovered I could not install k3b but that was because it was
not all in the Lucid repository. A day later someone put it
there and I have k3b.
There are at least a few updates every day. I think this is
normal for an Alfa version at this time. If knowing what I do
now, that an Alfa version of some new Ubuntu is available I
will d/l that. It works.
73 Karl
Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
Linux User
Key ID = 3951B48D
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