No more OOo in UNR 10.04

Gilles Gravier ggravier at
Mon Feb 8 06:15:29 UTC 2010


On 07/02/2010 21:21, Knapp wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 9:14 PM, Rashkae <ubuntu at> wrote:
>> R Kimber wrote:
>>> On Sun, 07 Feb 2010 09:20:44 -0500
>>> Scott Hayes wrote:
>>>> I rarely work with the default, I will be installing Gimp, I will be
>>>> installing OOo, I will install all the tools that I need.
>>> So, what has replaced Gimp?
>> Nothing:
>> Theory being that most people want a way to manage photo collections and
>> get photos off their digicams, and relatively few want to do any kind of
>> real photo-editing.
> It is more like they are replacing it with an MS loving fspot. It is
> true that fspot and digicam can do a lot of the basic photo editing
> stuff.
You know, at Sun, we've made the same choice : GIMP and OOo aren't
present on the live CD and aren't installed by default. It makes a lot
of sense, whether we are talking Netbook Remix (small is king) or a
normal distro (which must fit on a CD for cost / download time
purposes). There are many advantages :

1) Nobody really uses a live CD to try out OOo or GIMP. They do it on
their already installed OS, whatever it may be.
2) It makes for a smaller download of the CD
3) It lest them cram more things like, for example, drivers, on the CD
(and nobody will complain about that)
4) It makes installing from the CD much faster
5) It leaves CHOICE to the user (Linux is all about freedom of choice)

Keep in mind that NETbooks are designed for NETwork preference. They do
most of their magic while connected (web, mail, and... yes... cloud
based activities like office automation). If one really wants to do
off-line office work, the package manager makes it extremely easy to
install OOo.

Same... GIMP... most people just download pictures from the camera to
show them to friends / family. Not everybody wants / knows how to use a
full fledged image editor.

Now... Google Docs... the problem with these guys is that internally
they do not store ODF or MS Office format... they store their own. Every
time you load / save to your disk, you convert from whatever format
Google has inside, and that produces sub-optimal results.

Expect your ISP, your school, and others, to start offering what Sun
(now Oracle) has just announced, something called Cloud Office. Which is
based on the full OOo engine, hosted in the cloud by your ISP, or school
or somebody else you work with (maybe your company). This will be the
real thing, completely available through the cloud... and with even the
possibility to decide to, yes, work off-line and then save back to the

The world is shifting to things online. Soon you'll also be using your
favorite game console to do word processing... Most people will be happy
without having to manage themselves their office suite (and won't care
which brand it is, as long as it provides the services they need).
Ubuntu is just being there with the head of the pack on this.


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