basic - continued - automatic updates

Rashkae ubuntu at
Mon Feb 8 03:07:57 UTC 2010

> I got updated from 9.04 to 9.10 without wanting to go. This happen
> when 9.10 was not ready for use. I later got a new copy of a Linux
> magazine and started over with a new hard disk. Everything works
> now. I have rejected updates. My update list states over 100 update
> files to be install. Is it worse to avoid risking repeat problems than to
> allow the updates?
> Thomas

The updates are not the same as a dist-upgrade. you will be warned in 
advance before you are updated from 9.10 to 10.04.. (ie, it doens't 
happen without you wanting to go)...  I personally tend to ignore the 
daily update grind on my personal desktop/workstations, but that's 
probably not the most responsible advice.  I will suggest, however, that 
whatever OS you use, be it Windows, Linux or Mac, or whatever, if you 
have something that works well for you,, *back it up.*  Rogue updates 
are just one of many minor disasters that might have you back to a fresh 
install process otherwise.

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