GNOME & Multisession DVDs

Rashkae ubuntu at
Sat Feb 6 03:20:42 UTC 2010

NoOp wrote:
> On 02/05/2010 06:56 PM, Vassili Zaitsev wrote:
>> Andrew Farris wrote:
> ...
>>> To verify whether or not you're experiencing the same thing, try opening
>>> a rooted nautilus window (alt+F2 'gksudo nautilus') then see if the
>>> cdrom appears in the menu on the left (or navigate to /media/cdrom* and
>>> check for contents). I don't know why it would do this on a multisession
>>> disk, but you never know...
>> Yes, the DVD appears in the Places pane and upon clicking it I can navigate down 
>> to, inspect and open the disc contents (.vob, .ifo & .bup files).
> My _guess_ is that this is the same permissions issue as with floppies, see:
> [Clicking on floppy gives "no device media found"]
> scroll down to the last 9 or 10 comments (mine is #174).
> Hmmm... I wonder if the devs also don't have DVD-RW drives.

There is absolutely no problem with RW discs, that I can at least verify 
:)... but I gather there are issues with DVD writing appliances that 
don't finalize a disc burn.... though this is only an assumption, so I'm 
prepared to be the ass.  Since there were no files found in the 
media/cdrom folder, I can only gather that whatever problem there might 
be, is actually a kernel issue.  (Whether the kernel devs consider it an 
issue if you can mount an unfanalized disc or not is another matter.)

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