Sharing Files and Printers [Was: Re: How to set up a VPN on Karmic to XP]

Patton Echols p.echols at
Thu Feb 4 21:49:11 UTC 2010

On 02/04/2010 09:23 AM, Patton Echols wrote:
>>> On 02/03/2010 03:33 AM, Rafiq Hajat wrote:
>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>> my offices have a wireless network set up for internet access 
>>>> through a
>>>> router. I wonder whether it would be possible to use this as a conduit
>>>> for a network linking various PC's (some running XP and other running
>>>> Ubuntu)to each other for file sharing and printing.

As promised, here is the followup about printing:

I googled the following: ubuntu share printers xp

There were many responses.  The two that are closest to what I have done 
successfully on my systems are these:

If the Printer is connected to a Windows box:

If the printer is connected to an Ubuntu box:

Try the one that sounds like your situation and then ask if you are 
having specific problems. 

Oh , one thought.  One of the problems that sometimes comes up is that 
the computers are not in the same "Workgroup"  I am not going to  
address that yet, but easy to fix if everything else is working . . .


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