
Tom H tomh0665 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 4 20:08:59 UTC 2010

> I am trying to remove a program that runs in background on our Ubuntu
> machine. It was installed with rpm -i --nodeps and isn't one of the ones
> found on the Ubuntu site. I need to remove it so that it no longer conflicts
> with the upgrade installation. It had a script in /etc/init.d (which I
> removed), as well as material in the /opt directory (which I put into a
> directory that wouldn't be called by any configuration file), and it had
> spawn in the rc#.d directories (which I moved). But it still shows up as
> being in conflict with the call in the /etc/init.d directory. Evidently
> there's a file somewhere that lists the scripts in /etc/init.d

(1) Shouldn't you move the /opt files back where they were and use
"rpm -e" to erase the package properly?

(2) "But it still shows up as being in conflict with the call in the
/etc/init.d directory" = ?
In what way?

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