Technical support, not general discussions (Was: basic)

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Wed Feb 3 14:47:36 UTC 2010

Tero Pesonen wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-02-03 at 15:19 +0100, Odd wrote:
>> Tero Pesonen wrote:
>>> On Wed, 2010-02-03 at 14:59 +0100, Odd wrote:
>>>> Geeeze, people. No wonder people are turned away from Linux,with the
>>>> kind of 'help' they get here. How about some courtesy and flexibility
>>>> for newcomers? I've seen lots of others asking for this kind of help in
>>>> the past, without getting this kind of dismissal. Thanks, Amedee, you're
>>>> a real 'champ'. :-(
>>> Why is this list titled "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general
>>> discussions" instead of "Ubuntu user support, not for general
>>> discussions"? Where is "non-technical" (whatever that is) support?
>> How about some courtesy and flexibility for newcomers?
> I am not following you, sorry. My question was, why is this list restricted to
> *technical* support only? Because, as far as I can see, there is no list
> for non-technical support (which, I think, is quite difficult to define,
> hence my "whatever that is".) 
> Tero Pesonen

I am pleased to see so many non technical emails today. I was 
accused of being the originator of this problem but clearly 
that is not the case.

	I think if a person asks for help as this person did, he/she 
should get help, not a flurry of non-technical email 
explaining why you think the person should not be helped.

73 Karl


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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