
Hrishikesh Murali hrishikeshmurali88 at
Wed Feb 3 13:58:03 UTC 2010


On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 6:03 PM, q0k <q0k.character at> wrote:

> I don't play games. They make no sense. You *must *see it. The fact that
> Windows is better in games makes me hate Microsoft even more...

You hating games must have nothing to do the you hating Microsoft. The only
reason games work well in windows is because the game vendors code it for

This is not something that will change overnight, as Microsoft must be
paying the game vendors (I am not sure about this, but have heard news like
this going around) and so the game vendors have every right to code it for
Microsoft Windows.

But we (open source community) do not take cash from our users for buying
out stuff because we believe that money is not everything that is needed for
computers and its wonderful capabilities, and so therefore cannot pay game
vendors like EA Games, etc. to code games for Linux.

Like I previously mentioned, "this is not something that will change
overnight". So I guess we just have to do with "playwithlinux" and other
similar open source softwares for now, which help us run windows executables
in a linux environment.

The gaming part of linux is developing, though not very much. I am guessing
our coders have better jobs to do (like enhancing the kernel, debugging,
etc.) than code games ;)

I hope you get my point, I don't mean any offense of any sort :)

Thanks and Regards,
Hrishikesh Murali
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