Mihamina Rakotomandimby
mihamina at
Mon Feb 1 14:35:06 UTC 2010
> Gilles Gravier <ggravier at> :
>>> That’s one of the reasons I don’t use my work email address, all
>>> sorts get appended to it
>> Change job? I mean, a job obliging you to tell things you dont want
>> to tell is a bad one
> Not necessarily. For example, your company, when you print out
> business cards, obliges you to properly spell the name of the
> company... That's kind of an obligation to tell things... and you
> have to do it.
Must of the time I am proud of my jobs.
So, spelling it correctly or telling my functions is pretty fine.
> When you sign up for a job, you also sign up for a
> code of conduct that gives obligations, in particular in terms of IT
> resources usage. For my company, that includes how to format a
> signature.
Mine does too.
I was supposed to have signature with:
- multi color text
- blinking warning about not printing this message for environment sake
I just refused to do so.
It was a big debate inside, many nasty & agressive messages, but in
fine, I did not follow the rules: No way for me to have HTML messages
with blinking signature (ridiculous).
They gave up obliging me, I am still at work.
(I was ready to leave, if they insisted).
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