Karmic Kapers

Lachlan Musicman datakid at gmail.com
Mon Feb 1 04:24:01 UTC 2010

On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 12:46, Derek <dcredway at adam.com.au> wrote:
> Hi Mike the Answer Man
> Needless to say I eventually read the Update criteria in Ubuntu Help
> files but then wondered why the option to update was even offered.  I
> read about "Fixing Grub" on page 95 of UUM issue 3 so any attempt to
> update was more than Karmic.  This raises the question of a triple boot
> system - is that possible or beyond 'Grub'?

I can't answer every question you've listed, and to be honest the
leaps of logic are somewhat puzzling in parts, but for the record,
grub is able to be x-boot for values of x between 1 and (size of hard
drive)/(size of installations) : ie theoretically infinity.

> I was able to restore from a recent Evolution back up all my contacts,
> accounts, filters and emails.  Very satisfying.  Pity the Firefox
> browser does not have the same back up facility as this meant copying
> Windows Firefox bookmarks as text to Ubuntu Firefox.

I'd imagine there's an add on that does this for you, but the easiest
way is to, while in Firefox:

Bookmarks->Organise Bookmarks->Backup (creates a json file)
Bookmarks->Organise Bookmarks->Export HTML (creates a html file)

then to import you do the reverse.

> Regards  Derek Redway in Adelaide South Australia

Lachlan in Melbourne :)

The essence of a rant, in fact, is that the ranter has no idea how to
fix the thing being ranted about.
- Clay Shirky

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