Interesting read about the future of Ubuntu

Doug dmcgarrett at
Thu Dec 30 18:49:35 UTC 2010

On 12/30/2010 11:49 AM, Thierry de Coulon wrote:
> On Thursday 30 December 2010 03:50:17 pm Boggess Rod wrote:
>> I think you might be overlooking the primary issue here with the change
>> to unity. Namely, the disruption is going to be the change to GNOME 3.x
>> and the GNOME Shell. From what I've read, Unity Shell and GNOME Shell
>> both run on GNOME 3.x. But changing from a desktop to a shell is going
>> to be vastly different.
> Frm what I read, and completely different from KDE3/KDE4, Gnome Shell should
> be implemented in a way that let's you use the desktop if you decide to ditch
> the shell. Now, of course, I have never tried that.
> I never tried Unity, and only read about Gnome Shell. It did not look like I
> might like it, but I'll have to try.
Some months ago I was taken to task on one of these lists for saying that a
GUI was not a shell; I was told that it was.  Perhaps someone smarter 
than me
can interject some light here.
>> The better solution might be to simply skip 11.04 and wait for 12. By
>> then, they'll either have it worked out or decide the shell concept is a
>> bust.
> Not sure. I've been waiting *very* long with KDE 4 and they did neither work
> it out nor ditch it. I don't trust the Gnome develeopers more than the KDE
> devs.
> Thierry
As I've mentioned before, it's not KDE 4 that's at fault, it's the 
Look at PCLOS, using KDE 4.5.4 and see a civilized implementation.  I've
decided to make that my choice of distros, altho MINT (Gnome) is also nice.


Blessed are the peacemakers...for they shall be shot at from both sides. --A. M. Greeley

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