Interesting read about the future of Ubuntu

Boggess Rod rboggess at
Thu Dec 30 14:50:17 UTC 2010

>I'm not worried, with Linux there is always a way to go. Probably,
>there will be a new breed: perhaps Gubuntu with Gnome, Kubuntu with KDE
>Ubuntu with Unity?

I think you might be overlooking the primary issue here with the change
to unity. Namely, the disruption is going to be the change to GNOME 3.x
and the GNOME Shell. From what I've read, Unity Shell and GNOME Shell
both run on GNOME 3.x. But changing from a desktop to a shell is going
to be vastly different. 

The good news is that changing from Unity Shell to GNOME Shell is
supposed to be a simple package install. The bad news is that you're not
likely to be happy with either shell or the shell concept, and switching
to another distro that uses the GNOME 3.x with a GNOME Shell won't make
you like it more. 

The better solution might be to simply skip 11.04 and wait for 12. By
then, they'll either have it worked out or decide the shell concept is a
bust. I suspect, though, that the shell concept is supposed to make it
easier to run GNOME while making it easier to modify the shell for
re-purposing, like cell phones, netbooks, and such. If that's the case
-- Le bureau est morte! Viva le shell!

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