Interesting read about the future of Ubuntu
Cybe R. Wizard
cyber_wizard at
Tue Dec 28 05:56:53 UTC 2010
On Mon, 27 Dec 2010 13:46:08 -0500
"Boggess Rod" <rboggess at> wrote:
> ><Remainder elided.>
> >There is a Russian expression which covers the above, but I do not
> >know it's English equivalent so the best I can do is to translate it
> >literally, "Some into the forest....some to get firewood.....".
> >
> >BC
> The English Proverb: Some men go into the forest and see no firewood.
> (Their minds are filled with the preconceived notion of a forest being
> made of living trees, rather than multi-purposed and also useful for
> collecting firewood.)
I believe that a similar aphorism here in the Colonies is, "...can't
see the forest for the trees," indicating too-close an attention to
details and an accompanying failure to discern the overall picture.
Cybe R. Wizard
Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes
off your goal.
Henry Ford
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