converting ppt to pdf

NoOp glgxg at
Thu Dec 23 00:16:27 UTC 2010

On 12/21/2010 11:59 PM, Tapas Mishra wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying convert  a bunch of presentations which are in 2003 office
> format extension .ppt.
> Using  OpenOffice.presentation to pdf.
> 1) I tried exporting in OpenOffice these presentations as pdf the quality of
> text or image gets distorted.(I did checked the option to preserve quality)
> another method I tried was
> 2) to export this ppt to gif on a Windows machine (using PowerPoint) and
> then using imagemagick and pdftk tried to convert them all the gifs that I
> got on a windows machine  to pdf.I got some success in it but the quality of
> text was quite distorted.
> What more can I do so that the image which is in ppt looks same in pdf also.

What version of OOo?

Your best bet is to ask this on the OOo users list:
Be sure to tell them which version of OOo & if it is the Ubuntu version
(locate versionrc - and then the output of
/usr/lib/openoffice/program/versionrc or similar). If you are not using
the standard OOo you may get some flack as Ubuntu OOo is based on go-oo
vs OOo, but in general you'll probably get the help you need.

Keep in mind that OOo imports ppt's using an import filter. So there is
likely to be some differences in the process. However, if the pics look
OK on the screen, then the resulting PDF from OOo or (U)OOo should be
OK. If you'd like to send me one directly I'll be happy to take a look
at it (in OOo linux, Win, and MS Powerpoint) - just please chop the ppt
down so that it is under 1MB or so.

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