converting ppt to pdf

Shahar Dag dag at
Wed Dec 22 10:13:12 UTC 2010


If you have Windows machine with office, install a pseudo printer that generated an output pdf file. I am using pdf995.

Or you can select a postscript printer & print to file to get a ps file

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Tapas Mishra 
  To: Ubuntu user technical support 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2010 9:59 AM
  Subject: converting ppt to pdf

  I am trying convert  a bunch of presentations which are in 2003 office format extension .ppt.
  Using  OpenOffice.presentation to pdf.

  1) I tried exporting in OpenOffice these presentations as pdf the quality of text or image gets distorted.(I did checked the option to preserve quality)

  another method I tried was 
  2) to export this ppt to gif on a Windows machine (using PowerPoint) and then using imagemagick and pdftk tried to convert them all the gifs that I got on a windows machine  to pdf.I got some success in it but the quality of text was quite distorted.
  What more can I do so that the image which is in ppt looks same in pdf also.


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