Has the Code Of Conduct changed? ...again?

C de-Avillez hggdh2 at ubuntu.com
Tue Dec 21 19:41:41 UTC 2010

On 12/21/2010 01:03 PM, Boggess Rod wrote:

> Regardless of the origin of the auto-reply, if the list doesn't intend
> to honor it, it should correct it. It would be nice if we had an active
> group of moderators, but, as you say, I doubt that's going to change.
> So, can someone here with administrative rights update the auto-reply
> for the listserv along with the CoC? 

One point to keep in mind is you cannot enforce  civility /
nettiquette when sending an auto-reply for unsubscribed authors.
But, OTOH, you can warn them they *will* be bound by the CoC.


I will update the lists I administer to have a link to the CoC and a
warning that, by submitting email to the list, or responding to
emails from the list, they are now implicitly accepting the CoC and
netiquette ("if you do not agree, please cancel the post", etc, etc).

> I've been on listserv since it was the precursor to NNTP, newsgroups
> (early 80's). My mileage has definitely varied from yours. (Although, I
> do notice more people outside of anonymous communications - TV and radio
> news reporters, talk-show hosts, politicians, men in the street - are
> shedding civility in favor of cry-baby emotional outbursts, but I
> believe that's a contrived psychological sales technique designed to
> emote a primordial response, rather than an evolving behavioral change.)
> Given that this list attracts neophytes, I think you're likely to see an
> increase of those unfamiliar with proper netiquette as Ubuntu's
> popularity continues to grow.

Indeed (pretty much same experience here). This is where we strive
(as a project) to be different: civility, netiquette, respect are
*required* by us (the Ubuntu Community, here defined as those that
actively participate on the project).

Unfortunately, we do see bad examples here. Nothing I can do, I am
not an admin for this ML, neither want to be: I would have
blocked/banned a chunk of posters by now.



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