Has the Code Of Conduct changed? ...again?

Boggess Rod rboggess at tenovacore.com
Tue Dec 21 19:03:13 UTC 2010

>Message: 8
>> This statement is in non-agreement with the automated reply received
>> when a non-subscriber posts a message to this list. (Surely you have
>> second email address; post a message to the ubuntu-users address from
>> your other email address and see what you get back.) The automated
>> indicates something to the effect that your post will be reviewed by
>> moderator which may result in a delayed response. The automated
>> doesn't even suggest subscribing. However, since I was already
>> subscribed (under a different, older but aliased email address), I
>> updated my email address and posts went through without delay. Of
>> course, my original posts under the other email never made it
>> so I assume the automated response is invalid. I doubt anyone is
>> moderating this list anymore. If they were, I suspect that some
>> incorrigible trolls and spammers would be removed.
>> However, I mention this because I'm suspicious that the code of
>> is written just the way it is because the list was intended to be
>> to posts from non-subscribers. Something to think about (and resolve)
>> before updating the CoC.
>That autoreply is just a built-in message from the mailing list
>No list that I have ever been on or managed myself, has ever bothered
>posts from non-subscribers. Assuming the simplest answer, I think that
>this list has never had an intentional review process for unsubscribed
>users. That's just too much overhead for something that should be
>for people that have been on the net for 20 years or more.
>The problem is that the last few years there has been an influx of
>who are not familiar with the internet, and who don't know the "lore of
>the land". Apparently these people seem to need strict, almost legal
>rules. I find that very tiresome. Why can't they just act normal, like
>everybody else has done for the last 20 years?
>For the record: I've been online and on mailing lists since summer
>By that time I had already looked over the shoulders of friends for
>a year. I learned by watching, not by rules.
>Kind regards,

Regardless of the origin of the auto-reply, if the list doesn't intend
to honor it, it should correct it. It would be nice if we had an active
group of moderators, but, as you say, I doubt that's going to change.
So, can someone here with administrative rights update the auto-reply
for the listserv along with the CoC? 

I've been on listserv since it was the precursor to NNTP, newsgroups
(early 80's). My mileage has definitely varied from yours. (Although, I
do notice more people outside of anonymous communications - TV and radio
news reporters, talk-show hosts, politicians, men in the street - are
shedding civility in favor of cry-baby emotional outbursts, but I
believe that's a contrived psychological sales technique designed to
emote a primordial response, rather than an evolving behavioral change.)
Given that this list attracts neophytes, I think you're likely to see an
increase of those unfamiliar with proper netiquette as Ubuntu's
popularity continues to grow.

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