virtualising an existing server using VirtualBox

Dave Woyciesjes woyciesjes at
Mon Dec 20 17:35:54 UTC 2010

NoOp wrote:
> On 12/12/2010 04:40 AM, Karl Auer wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> I have a Linux server I'd like to virtualise. VirtualBox has an option
>> "convertfromraw" which apparently converts a raw disk image into a VM
>> image (vdi or vmdk)
>> Has anyone successfully done this? If so, have any tips?
>> Obviously the alternative is to rebuild the server, but that would be a
>> wearisome task. I'm virtualising for hardware independence more than
>> anything else. The hardware in use is getting pretty elderly and I'd
>> rather get something else in place before it fails.
> I've tried... and failed for the most part. I was successful on one, but
> could never get it tuned properly. Instead I converted to VMWare &
> haven't looked back. Use the VMWare standalone converter, bring the
> machine over & use VMWare player or server (both free).
> I was able to successfully & without much trouble at all, take 3 WinXP's
> that were on old drives that were destined for the trash, to VMWare.
> Only effort was time to do the convert over a slow network.
> Note: I do still have multiple VirtualBox installs, but the more that I
> use VMWare Player, the more I like it. I'm in the process now of
> converting 3 VB machines over to VMWare.

	I've successfully used the VMWare converter to create an image from the 
live machines, then was able to import into Virtual Box for use. Worked 
a treat for me.

--- Dave Woyciesjes
--- ICQ# 905818
--- AIM - woyciesjes
--- CompTIA A+ Certified IT Tech -
--- HDI Certified Support Center Analyst -
             Registered Linux user number 464583

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